Please download and read this manual before using this service. The manual provides you a step-by-step guide for downloading and importing our products to spreadsheet applications, numerical weather models or programming environments.
This service provides the daily chart of the near-realtime tropospheric delay solutions for the GNSS stations.
This service provides near-realtime Refractivity and Water Vapor Density profile chart.
This service provides near-realtime Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) in LittleR format for the WRF numerical weather model. The LittleR formatted files can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from The files are generated in realtime according to the specified parameters in HTTP request and downloaded after redirection with a randomly generated filename.
This service provides near-realtime Refractivity observations in LittleR format for the WRF numerical weather model. The littleR formatted files can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from The files are generated in realtime according to the specified parameters in HTTP request and downloaded after redirection with a randomly generated filename.
This service provides the list of stations, the name of the network where they belong and their geographical coordinates, in JSON format. The JSON data can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from
This service provides near-realtime Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) in JSON format. The JSON data can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from The data are generated in realtime according to the specified parameters in HTTP request.
This service provides near-realtime Zenith Wet Delay (ZWD) in JSON format. The JSON data can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from The data are generated in realtime according to the specified parameters in HTTP request.
This service provides near-realtime Zenith Hydrostatic Delay (ZHD) in JSON format. The JSON data can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from The data are generated in realtime according to the specified parameters in HTTP request.
This service provides near-realtime Wet Refractivity (Nw) in JSON format. The JSON data can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from The data are generated in realtime according to the specified parameters in HTTP request.
This service provides near-realtime Wet Refractivity (Nw) profile in JSON fomrat. The JSON data can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from The data are generated in realtime according to the specified parameters in HTTP request.
This service provides near-realtime Water vapor density profile in JSON fomrat. The JSON data can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from The data are generated in realtime according to the specified parameters in HTTP request.
This service provides weekly coordinate solutions in each GPS-week. The JSON data can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from The data are generated in realtime according to the specified parameters in HTTP request.
This service provides daily coordinate solutions in each GPS-week. The JSON data can be downloaded by GET method via HTTP protocol from The data are generated in realtime according to the specified parameters in HTTP request.